
Czy wiesz jak wiele jest kolokacji z użyciem słowa: BUSINESS?

Business English
 16 październik 2017

Business English kolokacje i idiomy ze słowem business w języku angielskim

Kolokacje w języku angielskim są zawsze wyzwaniem, a w języku biznesowym szczególnym. Jest wiele kolokacji czyli fraz, które są bardzo przydatne i jednocześnie zawierają w sobie słowo BUSINESS.

Oto niektóre z kolokacji, w których słowo BUSINESS jest kluczowe:


1. prowadzić interesy

The company has been in business for over 50 years.
Currently it seems that nearly every young person wants to be in business.

2. być gotowym, aby wziąć się za coś (np. za remont, za malowanie) informal

Once we get the computer installed we'll be in business.


The advertising agencies are not in the business of routinely monitoring the activities of banks.
We are not in the business of SEO.

- BUSINESS IS BUSINESS - biznes to biznes (zysk finansowy jest najważniejszą sprawą, którą trzeba mieć na uwadze)

He’s a nice guy but business is business. He doesn't do his job so we have to fire him.
Unfortunately, we need to lower your salary. It's nothing personal — business is business.

- DO BUSINESS WITH somebody - robić z kimś interesy, prowadzić z kimś interesy

It is possible to do business just as easily abroad as in your own country.
I have the impression that they are the people you want to do business with.

- DO THE BUSINESS - zrobić to, czego się oczekuje, przejść do rzeczy (informal)

As long as she does the business, she can feel safe in this company.
My business is to write reports. - Moim obowiązkiem jest pisać raporty.

- DO THE BUSINESS - zrobić to, czego się oczekuje, przejść do rzeczy (informal)

As long as she does the business, she can feel safe in this company.
My business is to write reports. - Moim obowiązkiem jest pisać raporty.

- TALK BUSINESS - rozmawiać o interesach

Whenever they're together, they talk business.
Do you mind if we talk business for a while?

- KNOW ONE'S BUSINESS/ONIONS/BEANS/STUFF - być kompetentnym, znać się na swojej branży

We can work with him. He knows his business.
I'm not sure if they know their onions.

- PULL OUT/GO OUT OF BUSINESS - biznes zwinąć interes, wycofać się z biznesu

The market became so difficult that we had to pull out of business.
He had no choice. He had to go out of business.

- ONE-MAN BUSINESS - firma jednoosobowa

He started as a one-man business and now he employs over a two hundred people.
She works seven days a week, in her one-man business.

- FUNNY BUSINESS - nielegalny biznes, podejrzana sprawa, lewy interes, machlojki, przekręty, szwindel, dziwne interesy

If you try any funny business you'll go to prison
I tell you that was a really funny business.

- ANY OTHER BUSINESS - wolne wnioski, sprawy różne

It's nearly time to finish out meeting, so let's move to any other business.
Business meetings typically end with the chairperson asking if there is 'any other business'.

- BUSINESS BEFORE PLEASURE - najpierw biznes, najpierw praca, później rozrywka

I would much rather have lunch with you than work, but business before pleasure.
I'd love to go shopping with you now, but I have a few things to do in the office first. Business before pleasure.

- BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION - zarządzanie, kierowanie przedsiębiorstwem

He has a master's degree in business administration from Harvard University.

1. Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)- doktor zarządzania

She received a Doctor of Business Administration from Harvard in 2000.

2. Master of Business Administration (MBA) - tytuł magistra studiów menedżerskich

He completed his Master of Business Administration degree in 2007.

3. Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) - licencjat studiów menedżerskich/zarządzania biznesem

He graduated in 2003 with a Bachelors of Business Administration.

- X2X Meaning Something "to" Something

B2B Business to Business
B2C Business to Consumer
B2E Business to Employee
B2G Business to Government
C2C Client to Client
D2D Disk to Disk
G2B Government to Business
G2C Government to Consumer
M2M Machine to Machine
O2O Online to Offline
P2P Peer to Peer
P2T Push to Talk
U2U User to User

Amber Ivy  (Grancie Company)

Trener, coach, założycielka Language Empire, od 15 lat prowadzi szkolenia, warsztaty, a także konsultacje indywidualne z języka angielskiego biznesowego i ogólnego. Jej pasją jest zdobywanie i przekazywanie wiedzy, ale uważa, że jedynie wiedza przekuta w praktykę jest warta naszego czasu.